Cygnet Society

Every student who passes through the gates of Hale School enjoys facilities and opportunities that were made possible by past generations of donors.  The tradition of giving has enabled Hale to provide the magnificent learning environment that our boys enjoy today.

Leaving a bequest to Hale School in your Will enables you to be part of our future and will significantly help the School fulfil its long-term goals and ensure the future education for generations of boys to come.

Those who leave a bequest to Hale School are honoured in their lifetime, becoming members of our Cygnet Society.   Cygnet Society members are welcomed to annual events both on and off the campus in acknowledgement of the important role that their support brings to Hale School.

The Cygnet Society was established in 2008 by the Hale School Foundation to recognise, honour and thank those who have supported the School in their Will, and to encourage other members of our Hale community to consider leaving a bequest.  Read the flip book below to find out more.


Cygnet Society Honour Board

Realised Bequests

Sincere thanks to the individuals listed below whose realised bequests have contributed so generously to Hale School.

Quinton Stow (1919)

Ronald Filmer (1934) and Joan Filmer

R P (Bob) Ihlen (1938)

John P B Summers (1951)

E H (Howard) Wheatley (1935)

A M (Allan) Buchanan (1935)

Richard Garth Burges (1933)

Leslie Thompson (1937)

Mr RW and Mrs WM Roberts (Past Parents)

David Irvine AO (1964)

Bequest Register

Gratitude also to the following members of the Cygnet Society who have notified the Foundation of their intention to leave a bequest to Hale School in their Will.  Please contact us if your name is missing from this register.

E P Anderson (1943)

Garth Berg (Past Parent)

Meg Birch (Past Parents)

P J (Peter) Bird (1953)

D D (Don) Boyer (Past Parent)

J A G (Tony) Brand (1948)

I M (Ian) Brumby (1958)

Kent Carter (1957)

Ken Chapman (1963)

G Neil Cumpston (1951)

W J (Bill) Edgar (Past Staff)

D K (Don) Forrest (1945)

Mervyn Hardie (1959)

Barbara Johnson (Past Staff)

R A (Richard) Kelsall (1958)

Dr George Lefroy (1957)

P I (Paul) Malcolm (1973)

Dudley MacGibbon (1942)


Rev P J Mold (1951)

Colin Peck (1971)

Dave Reed (1992)

W P (Bill) Reynolds (1955)

M W (Mervyn) Scott (1952)

Dudley Stow (1961)

R (Richard) Truscott (1964)

C J Wheatley (1963)

I V (Ian) Wickens (1964)

Make Your Bequest

If you’d like to discuss leaving a bequest to support Hale School, please contact Director of Philanthropy at the Hale School Foundation, Andrine Terry on 9347 0116 or email

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Cygnet Society

Hale for life – supporting Hale School with your bequest