Hale School aims to educate boys to become resilient, respectful and responsible young men. As part of their development, boys need to socialise with girls and they do this at Hale through the provision of meaningful and engaging extra-curricular activities and opportunities.
One such opportunity this year, has been the Respectful Relationships programme in the Senior School. Our young men participate in workshops with the girls from St Mary’s and Perth College where important issues relating to online relationships, privacy and consent are explored. We believe it is important for them to understand their own and any potential partners rights and responsibilities in order to develop healthy relationships.
In Term 3, Hale welcomed 20 young female graduates from various schools who came in to speak to small groups of Year 10 students about relationships. This session was part of the new Year 10 Conversations initiative, which focuses on students exploring their identity, building and understanding resilience, exploring how the world around them shapes their mindset and behaviour, and strengthening their relationships in life. The session allowed each student to hear from a group of young women who have been through school and now can reflect on their own experiences with boys. The structure of the session was based on the ABC series ‘You can’t ask that’ with pre-prepared questions providing the opportunity to open up conversations about relationships between boys and girls and how these can continue to be healthy into the future.
Recently, Year 8 students joined their St Mary’s counterparts to participate in a respectful relationships workshop presented by Armed for Life. The cohort enjoyed an engaging presentation from facilitator Taylor Cowper, who spoke about important topics, including positive relationships, online relationships, privacy and consent.
The feedback from all involved in these workshops has been extremely positive and we look forward to continuing to provide these opportunities for our students.